The most powerful christian testimonies
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50 testimonies found related to En Vida Dura, una joven que creció en un hogar disfuncional, con un padre alcohólico y violento
Created by Cristian
On Jan-31-2011
Finance testimonial

Created by Cristian
On Feb-19-2011
Conversion testimony
Luis Martínez nos cuenta cómo la ambición por el dinero, casi le cuesta la vida. En vida Dura
En Vida Dura, Luis Martínez nos cuenta cómo una peligrosa ambición por el dinero, casi le cuesta la vida...

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
Hoy en Vida Dura la historia de un afamado cantante salvadoreño, Sergio Perez

Created by Cristian
On Jan-01-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida dura. Una joven víctima de abuso y maltrato infantil, se convierte en una mujer frustrada

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura. Como el flagelo de las drogas convirtió un hogar peruano en un verdadero infierno

Created by Cristian
On May-08-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida Dura: La perdida de un padre puede causar estragos en sus hijos

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura: como una joven busca en relaciones equivocadas el amor de madre que no recibió

Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una terrible adicción conduce a un joven esposo a perderlo todo en la vida

Created by Cristian
On Jan-01-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una pareja guatemalteca que se involucró de lleno en el ocultismo

Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una niña es salvajemente abusada y crece llena de traumas y pánico

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una mujer se convierte en víctima de las drogas y hace su vida miserable

Created by Cristian
On Jan-13-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una mujer que sufrió lo que ninguna madre desearía jamás, perder a su hijo
En Vida Dura, conozca la increíble historia de una mujer que sufrió lo que ninguna madre desearía jamás, perder a su hijo. A ella le arrebataron su bebé de las manos, cuando apenas tenía 10 día...

Created by Cristian
On Jan-13-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, una mujer que se entregó a un terrible vicio, luego de la muerte de su hijo

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At 28 years old Maura was a wife, a mother and an account executive at a radio station in Tampa, Florida. She was also a fortune-teller and medium for those seeking insight from spirits....
Created by Cristian
On Nov-20-2011
Defining a Good Husband
Glen was a workaholic who didnt realize what he had until he lost his wife and family. He decided to rededicate his life to Christ and God restored his life completely. ...
Robert started out as the face of the law, but his decision to be a dirty cop put him in the crosshairs of the law. For decades he eluded capture until the day he encountered God in the woods....
Renee got the phone call no mother wants to hear – a drunk driver killed her daughter. What Renee did next stunned the driver – and will stun you!...
From the moment Jeffrey and Rachel wed, the clock was ticking towards marital demise. Find out what changed the course of their relationship....
Dwayne’s addiction to pornography consumed him and almost destroyed his marriage until he was diagnosed with cancer and came face to face with God’s love, the value of his wife, his children, and ultimately his life....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-26-2011
Boy Recovers From Fatal Disease
He had 12 strokes. His heart stopped beating. Nobody expects little Mason Ikirt to survive... no one except for his four-year-old sister....
Kevin had a violent childhood, lost two brothers before he was 20, then lost his wife and three children in a house fire. See how his anger with God changed....
Linda's favorite hobby turned into a business that replaced both her and her husband's income. They're totally debt-free. ...




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